TuesdayMay 17, 2022 3:10 pm

Q1 Sales Numbers Suggest EVs Are Taking Off in US

According to the latest vehicle sales figures, electric vehicles appear to be approaching the tipping point to mass adoption by the motoring public in the United States. Records indicate that while overall automobile sales slumped by 18%, EVs registered an impressive 60% jump in sales during the first quarter of this year. This sharp sales increase, taking electric vehicles’ market share to just 4.6%, may pale when compared to countries such as Norway where approximately 86% of all the vehicles registered in March alone were fully electric. However, it is significant because it is the biggest sales surge recorded in…

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MondayMay 16, 2022 3:41 pm

Why Aren’t Level 1 EV Chargers Getting the Attention They Deserve?

You have probably heard that one of the biggest barriers to EV adoption is a shortage of charging infrastructure. To fix this, manufacturers such as Tesla are setting up their own charging networks and governments at local, state and federal levels are also coming up with their own ways to fix this problem. However, the solutions being considered so far, such as setting up charging stations along major highways, are based on old technology whose time has passed. To understand why that thinking is “old school,” think about the things that you can do with your smartphone today. In today’s…

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FridayMay 13, 2022 2:18 pm

The Ford F-150 Lightning Could Be the Needed Turning Point for EVs

The F-150 Lightning pickup truck made by Ford has been introduced onto the market, and it could turn out to be the elusive key that unlocks the floodgates of people buying electric vehicles in mass, at least within the United States. Several factors provide reason for this optimism. First, Ford’s pickup trucks, the F-Series, hold the record for being the most popular as well as best-selling vehicles in America. The company has made the huge decision to overhaul these vehicles, making fully electric versions of these much-loved trucks. At the moment, 5.8% (16.4 million F-series pickup trucks) of all automobiles…

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ThursdayMay 12, 2022 1:14 pm

Experts Look for Additional Ways to Make EVs More Efficient

As battery technology makes major strides forward and fossil fuel prices soar, electric vehicles have shifted from being a niche product to a viable answer to the transportation needs of today and the future. However, researchers are sounding the alarm bell that if the attention of experts doesn’t stretch beyond trying to improve EV batteries alone, it may be hard for electric vehicles to serve humanity’s transportation needs as reliably as the combustion engine has done for a century. David Klink, an EV researcher based at Monash University in Australia, says the current attention placed upon improving battery tech is…

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WednesdayMay 11, 2022 11:41 am

Volkswagen Announces a Sell Out of Its EVs

German automaker Volkswagen has revealed that it has sold all the electric vehicles that it plans to sell this year in Europe and the United States. This means that anyone who wants to order an electric vehicle made by a VW brand will have to be patient until next year before their order can be delivered. Herbert Diess, the Group CEO of VW, revealed that in total, the company’s brands of Porsche, Audi, Skoda and Volkswagen had a combined backlog of 300,000 orders that were yet to be fulfilled in Western Europe. Add to this the orders from the rest…

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TuesdayMay 10, 2022 3:16 pm

Why the Cost of EVs Is Increasing Despite Drop in Battery Prices

Over the last 10 years, the price of batteries has declined significantly. Analysts expected that the prices of electric cars would drop as the prices of batteries reduced, as batteries are the most expensive feature of these cars. This, they expected, would make electric cars more affordable. Despite the lower battery prices, the price of electric cars remains high. Figures show that since 2012, the average cost of the battery of an electric car has dropped by more than 80% while the price of a new electric car has increased by over 80%. The primary reason for this gap is…

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MondayMay 09, 2022 1:34 pm

DOE Announces $45 Million Allocation for Advanced Electric Vehicle Battery Development

Earlier this week, the Energy Department announced that it would be allocating $45 million in funding for the development of advanced batteries for electric cars. Through its Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy, the department is launching its electric car program, which entails the development of more resilient, efficient, convenient and affordable batteries. Jennifer M. Granholm, the U.S. Secretary of Energy, stated that advanced batteries would enable electric cars to charge faster and last longer, which would play a crucial role in accelerating the deployment of electric trucks and vehicles. Granholm added that an electrified transportation sector would be beneficial to individuals…

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FridayMay 06, 2022 12:01 pm

Five Factors Fueling the Growing Popularity of EVs

As the fight against climate change continues and the use of fossil fuels is phased out, the adoption of electric vehicles is growing. However, while most states are now on board with the idea of EVs, this wasn’t the case a couple of years ago. Experts believe that various cultural, political and economic factors have helped create the conditions for this shift. We discuss some of these factors below. Lower costs Electric cars need rechargeable and energy-dense batteries to function. The prices of these vehicles were very high, especially before the price of li-ion battery packs reduced significantly. Despite this…

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ThursdayMay 05, 2022 12:59 pm

Inside the US Government Plan to Make EV Chargers Widely Available

Many see electric cars as the vehicles of the future, especially as the world transitions from the use of fossil fuels. However, some are concerned about how electric cars get their juice, which is by charging. No one wants to be stuck in the middle of nowhere with no battery left. Running out of power with no charging station is said to be one of the biggest obstructions to the mass adoption of electric cars. So to help address these concerns, the Biden administration is planning to install chargers to make it easier for owners of electric vehicles to charge…

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WednesdayMay 04, 2022 3:24 pm

Tesla Slashes Price of Home Chargers After Removing Them from New EV Purchases

Tesla Inc. (NASDAQ: TSLA) recently slashed the price of a pair of its home chargers. This comes after it removed the chargers, which had been included with the new cars being delivered. The auto manufacturer then included the chargers in its online configurator in an effort to remind new consumers to purchase one during vehicle purchases. Since it was established, the automaker had been including a mobile charger with every new vehicle it delivered. However, Tesla CEO Elon Musk claimed recently that the company had usage statistics that showed that the use of these chargers wasn’t very high. This claim…

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